Romanian DeMolay National Conference

On May 25, 2014, a National Conference of DeMolay Romania was held in Bucharest, the capital city. Organized by four of the seven chapters in the country, the event brought together DeMolays and their Chapter advisors to work together, fostering national brotherhood while initiating nine new members and conferring the DeMolay degree on 22 young men, bringing the total membership in Romania to 169 members. There are now 15 Senior DeMolays, 2 of whom have become Advisors who joined 4 Master Masons who also became Advisors that same day. The ranks of the Romanian Advisors now total 48 dedicated men. 

This remarkable event brought together many of the highest ranking Masonic and DeMolay dignitaries in Romania including, Most Worshipful Radu Balanescu, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Romania, The Honorary Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Romania and the Executive Officer of DeMolay in Romania, Most Worshipful Mircea Gheordunescu and Most Worshipful Aurel Virgil Manea, the current Deputy Officer of DeMolay Romania and Member of the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay. Also in attendance were past and present officers of the National Grand Lodge of Romania in addition to 18 Advisors, more than 40 DeMolays, 4 Sweethearts, and over 30 parents and guests.

Several highlights of the ceremonies included fraternal greetings shared by the Executive Officer, celebrating two recent special occasions in the life of the Grand Master, Radu Balanescu; his recent election as the Executive Secretary of the 13th World Conference of Regular Masonic Grand Lodges and the initiation of his son into DeMolay. The Grand Master, in turn, commended the officers, advisors, and members of DeMolay Romania for the high caliber of the May 25th event, committing the support of the entire Grand Lodge to the further growth and development of DeMolay Romania at both the national and international level. Of special note is the high percentage of DeMolays who join the Masonic fraternity upon turning 18 years old.

The host chapters and their home cities were Jacques DeMolay - Bucharest, Euxinus - Constanta, Fraternitatea - Ploiesti and Victor Cazacu - Petrosani, representing the geographic diversity of the country of Romania. Remember, as "Dad" Mihai Prisacariu said at his son's Chevalier investiture, "A leader is a Chevalier and a real Chevalier is a leader."

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This website acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay, of which Frank S. Land was founder.