New Hampshire DeMolay Update 11/01/11


The Official E-News of the Jurisdiction of New Hampshire

November 1, 2011


Knights of DeMolay

Membership Drive

Today begins the Knights of DeMolay Membership Drive!  It is important that we concentrate on growing New Hampshire DeMolay at this time.  My challenge to each DeMolay is simple:  Replace yourself during this contest!  That means each DeMolay brings one of his friends into DeMolay.   Dad LaPointe is working with Dad Melvin to host prospects at the Shrine Fez–tivel of Trees!  Details will follow.


Hear Ye!

Hear Ye!

Hear Ye!


Compete, Conquer,

and Earn your Knightly Arms!

DeMolay International is proud to announce the KINGDOM OF DeMOLAY RECRUITING CONTEST which shall commence on Tuesday, November 1st, and come to an end on Saturday, December 31st, 2011. 


Prizes will be awarded in three (3) categories.

  • BEST IN OVERALL GROWTH (Largest # of Initiates) Recruit & initiate a minimum of seven (7) new members to qualify.
  • BEST IN NET GROWTH (Largest % of growth) Increase the size of your Chapter by 20% to qualify.
  • TOP FIRST LINE SIGNER (Most new initiates)  Recruit and sign at least two (2) new members to qualify.

The Polo shirts shall signify that you are indeed a Champion in the Kingdom of DeMolay! They will not be available for sale to anyone who does not earn one.  Each Chapter will be awarded up to 25 polos.  Additional polos may be purchased at a nominal cost.


All Form 10’s must be completed and submitted according to the Rules and Regulations of the Chapter.  The campaign commences on November 1st, 2011 through December 31st, 2011.  No Form 10’s will be considered for this campaign if postmarked after January 10th, 2012.


In the event of a tie, the tie will be broken in a traditionally Knightly manner.  A committee of fair maidens shall determine the winner.


Show the entire Kingdom of DeMolay you have the heart, strength, and courage to endure. The Rite of Teamwork is in your hands!




Winslow E. Melvin Court of Chevaliers Annual Observance, Saturday, November 5.

Melvin Court will meet on Saturday evening, November 5th starting with dinner at 6:30 p.m. at Clarence L. Woodman Chapter in Rochester followed by the conferral of the Chevalier Degree on Brian Jenkes, PSMC.  Reservations may be made with Dad Kevin Jenkes ( or Dad George Baldwin ( 


The price for dinner is $10.00 for Chevaliers, donations for all others.  Checks should be made payable to New Hampshire DeMolay.


Facebook DeMolay Week

November 6-13, 2011
November 6 - November 13 is DeMolay Week on Facebook!!  Check it out (event page) and use this social network as a tool to spread the good word about DeMolay. It will be a great tool to help recruit  new young men to DeMolay.  Invite ALL your Facebook friends to the event.  Dad Baldwin and many of his friends have already done this.  Let us Light Up Facebook with the Light of DeMolay!


DeMolay & Scottish Rite Masonry

'Supporting our Supporters'

Masonic Service Opportunity   On Saturday November 19th The Scottish Rite Valley of Concord is having a Public Supper to raise funds for the Valley.  DeMolay has been asked to help.  They need 4-6 young men to serve and help clean up!  Time is from 4:30 pm -8:00 pm at Horace Chase Masonic Building in Penacook.  Also please invite family and friends to dinner at $8.00 each.  Serving starts at 5:00 pm.  Let’s have DeMolay support one of its biggest boosters-Scottish Rite Freemasonry.  Please contact Dad George L. Baldwin at

New Hampshire DeMolay's Website gets a new look.  Go to ...

Announcing  the all new (and improved) website.  Please go to  and check out our updated website!  It is not complete, it is not perfect, but constant improvement is better than delayed perfection!  There is an explanation of DeMolay, a Chapter directory, a State Officer page, current events and current news.  It is linked to the jurisdictional calendar and photo album.  There is a place for downloading important documents and there are links to the other DeMolay sites.  Please comment after you have visited.  Feedback is important!

2012 ACR'S and Chapter Re-certifications

(Due on November 28th)

Advisors  are reminded that  ACRs are out and they need to be returned to Dad Baldwin by November 28, 2011.   If you are having any difficulties, please email Dad Baldwin directly.


A Note from the Executive Officer
These past months have seen some great strides for DeMolay in New Hampshire!  We have obtained positive membership growth and I expect this to go up even more during the Knights of DeMolay contest.

We held a successful double degree day and Lock-In in October.  A very special Thank You to Jewel Lodge in Suncook for being a most gracious host; and to Rainbow for their awesome support.

We cannot rest on these - we must use these as a foundation to build on!  We have plans in the works for some great events in the New Year!  We need to hear from the DeMolays  as to what they want to do in the coming year!  DeMolay belongs to the DeMolays!

In closing, I want to wish you and yours a happy thanksgiving.  May we be grateful for what we have, and let us not forget those less fortunate. 


Yours in DeMolay,

Dad George L. Baldwin

Executive Officer
New Hampshire DeMolay



New Hampshire DeMolay


George L. Baldwin

Executive Officer

Active Member, ISC

11 South Emperor Drive

Concord, NH 03303-4127

Home (603) 226-7263


Tristan J. Benedict

State Master Councilor

67 Monument Road

Hinsdale, NH 03451

(603) 852-3415







November 5, Saturday

Chevalier Observance and Conferral.  Dinner at 6:30.

Rochester Masonic Building.


November 6 -13

DeMolay Week on Facebook


November 19, Saturday

Scottish Rite Velley of Concord

Public Supper


November 28, Monday

ACR's and Re-certifications are due to the Executive Officer


© 2011

New Hampshire DeMolay

© 2025 Region One DeMolay | 27 Liberty Drive North Billerica, MA 01862 | 978-869-5132 | All Rights Reserved
This website acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay, of which Frank S. Land was founder.