Jurisdictional Officers Host Entertainment

Last night, the DeMolays enrolled in the Jurisdictional Officer (JO) program held a game show event for the rest of the campers to participate in. The event was a huge hit, and everyone had a great time!

The campers participated in a Family Feud & Minute To Win It style mash-up contest against one another. The JO's surveyed both the campers and the staff members in order to generate the questions for the Family Feud portion of the event. Certain answers to each question had "physical challenges" associated with them that needed to be completed successfully in order to earn points.

After spending over an hour watching campers try to throw cards into a watermelon, catch ping pong balls in a cup, and pull tissues out of a box amongst other events, the campers were so tuckered out they barely were able to handle the surprise pizza the staff left in their cabins for the night.

The JO's have a long history of hosting events here at LTC that go over extremely well with the general campership, and this event was no exception. 


© 2025 Region One DeMolay | 27 Liberty Drive North Billerica, MA 01862 | 978-869-5132
info@region1demolay.org | All Rights Reserved
This website acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay, of which Frank S. Land was founder.