Massachusetts Achives Positive Growth

Massachusetts DeMolay achieves POSITIVE growth for the THIRD year in a row!

DeMolay International has made it official.  Massachusetts added another year of positive membership and chapter growth to its record.
Membership is an on-going effort of every chapter and it is a barometer of interest in our program.  It proves that our organization is vibrant, exciting and attractive to young men.
And the year isn't over yet!  The State Double Degree and Holiday Charity Dance is Saturday, December 17th in Wakefield.  (see below)
Here is how the numbers work out so far:  John Eliot Chapter is in the lead with 9 new members followed closely by David Allen Hill Chapter (Leominster) at 8.  Middleborough and Benjamin Franklin are tied for third place at 6.  Gardner, North Shore and South Coastal have 3 each.  Specific numbers for each chapter are available click here.
Congratulations to the two State Master Councilors involved (David W.A. Abbott & Timothy Nogueira) along with their membership teams, Director of Membership Dad Matthew Gerrish and most importantly our chapters, members and advisors!
Remember that membership is a 24/7/365 chapter effort.  The life of our organization is its members.  Motivated, interesting, and active chapters attract members.  Make sure that your chapter includes prospective members in its activities.

© 2024 Region One DeMolay | 27 Liberty Drive North Billerica, MA 01862 | 978-869-5132 | All Rights Reserved
This website acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay, of which Frank S. Land was founder.